
Having issues with your website, computers or something related to them? Schedule a free phone call with me and I’ll help you get answers.

Simply schedule a time with me below, and I will call you to discuss the issues you are facing for FREE. That’s right, I’ll help you at no cost so that you can move forward and avoid the stress of the issue.

Here is the form to schedule your time. Please keep reading the text below this form. It contains very important information, including what I can and can not help you with.

Let me make one thing clear right away. I’m not the type of person that will tell you that I can solve any problem right off the top of my head. It’s not something I can do, and in fact, very few (if anyone) can do that.

What I can do is make an assessment of your problem, and offer you a suggestion on the best way to resolve it. It’s very possible that I’ll have an answer for you right then and there. Sometimes, though, I won’t. In those cases I’ll look into the issue and get back to you, if it’s something I think I can solve.

Here is a brief list of what I can help you with. If you don’t see it on this list, please ask anyway. It may be that I didn’t out it on the list.

  • WordPress
    • Install
    • Upgrades
    • Plug-ins
  • Joomla – Install, Upgrade, etc.
  • cPanel – Many of my hosting environments run on cPanel.
  • MLSP – If you are a member of this community, I can help you resolve a variety of issues surrounding their services.
    • CRM
    • Funnelizer
    • Sites